Strategy advice for Japan needed. (2024)

Magnificent Genius

Perennial Also-Ran

95 Badges

Oct 28, 2014
  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (2)
  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (3)
  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (4)
  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (5)
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  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (50)
  • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (51)
  • Jun 21, 2015
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  • #1

So, I decided, in my finite wisdom, to play through my first game of Victoria 2 as Japan. Mostly because I want a challenge. I am sure it will be fun too.

So, I have isolated several strategic goals, based on my study.

Firstly, westernise quickly.

Secondly, grab Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan.

Thirdly, and running concurrently with the previous, grab Hawaii and kick the Spanish out of the Phillipines, thus considerably reducing the likelihood of great power interference in my imperial designs.

Then I grab as much land as I can take, starting with the East Indies and Indochina.

I am fairly certain this is a good plan, but I am not certain how to turn this theoretical plan into a practical one.



Second Lieutenant
Feb 15, 2015
    • Jun 21, 2015
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    • #2

    I can't help you with much, but I'll give you this little advice. Once you turn into a Great Power try to sphere some Chinese substates. When you declare war on China, it includes its substates, but if you sphered one of them it won't go to war with you. Don't sphere all of them, since you can break your own economy if you do so. Also, try to interfere with China and become a power before it, because when it becomes a Great Power it annexes all its substates, and becomes very powerful. Until then, a good army will be enough to kill thousands of them, and their numerical superiority won't help. If you manage to conquer even one of the substates, for example, Manchuria, you will have thousands of additional pops, and you'll be able of raising those thousands as soldiers.


    The Last Emperor of Sol

    90 Badges

    Dec 30, 2010
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    • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (54)
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    • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (80)
    • Jun 21, 2015
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    • #3

    Playing as Japan isn't a challenge, it's easy. The AI is completely hopeless at naval warfare (as it is in all of Paradox's games), so once you get up to ironclads and commerce raiders you pretty much win the game. Going for the Philippines would up the challenge a bit since they're largely worthless islands you'd be spending your infamy on (Java and Sumatra are far more important). Spain is never a problem except as allies to your enemies: it's the Dutch you'll be fighting with primarily.

    If you want something more challenging but still noob friendly, France is a powerful country with a neighboring enemy. They have a lot going on, though, so might be a touch overwhelming. Belgium is the traditional recommendation for new players, as it can industrialize easily and has some manageable warfare (so long as you don't mess up diplomatically).

    Magnificent Genius

    Perennial Also-Ran

    95 Badges

    Oct 28, 2014
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    • Jun 22, 2015
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    • #4

    GC13 said:

    Playing as Japan isn't a challenge, it's easy. The AI is completely hopeless at naval warfare (as it is in all of Paradox's games), so once you get up to ironclads and commerce raiders you pretty much win the game. Going for the Philippines would up the challenge a bit since they're largely worthless islands you'd be spending your infamy on (Java and Sumatra are far more important). Spain is never a problem except as allies to your enemies: it's the Dutch you'll be fighting with primarily.

    If you want something more challenging but still noob friendly, France is a powerful country with a neighboring enemy. They have a lot going on, though, so might be a touch overwhelming. Belgium is the traditional recommendation for new players, as it can industrialize easily and has some manageable warfare (so long as you don't mess up diplomatically).

    Yes, it is so easy I can't even balance my budget. At least while still being able to build the transports I need to move my men from place to place and keep my education and administration high enough that my clergy and bureaucrats don't demote. Oh, and did I mention that almost none of my POP has even their life needs met. Yes, so easy.


    do you even left

    34 Badges

    Jun 11, 2012
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    • Jun 22, 2015
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    • #6

    setsunaluvr said:

    Yes, it is so easy I can't even balance my budget. At least while still being able to build the transports I need to move my men from place to place and keep my education and administration high enough that my clergy and bureaucrats don't demote. Oh, and did I mention that almost none of my POP has even their life needs met. Yes, so easy.

    The budget is easily manageable. Just max taxes and tariffs, your efficiency is so low that your pops won't starve any more than necessary. The life needs is due to not having market access to fruit not because of the financial situation of your pops. Just conquer some fruit and you'll be alright.


    Field Marshal

    87 Badges

    Feb 5, 2011
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    • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (230)
    • Jun 22, 2015
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    • #7

    >Install Pops of Darkness.
    >Play Tokugawa Shogunate or the Emperor.
    >Read THIS article.
    >Conquer the Western Pacific Rim.

    I did this playing the Otomo(or was it Satsuma? I don't remember). The economy quits working for most of the Japanese Daimyo in the late 1840s, but should continue to work for Tokugawa or the Emperor. Even if it doesn't, it's worth starting early so as to start setting up fledgling industries and ensure the restoration takes place asap. I was able to do the restoration in the early 1860s IIRC. I bet I could get it earlier if I manipulated a few things.


    do you even left

    34 Badges

    Jun 11, 2012
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    • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (265)
    • Jun 22, 2015
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    • #8

    LiberiusX said:

    >Install Pops of Darkness.
    >Play Tokugawa Shogunate or the Emperor.
    >Read THIS article.
    >Conquer the Western Pacific Rim.

    I did this playing the Otomo(or was it Satsuma? I don't remember). The economy quits working for most of the Japanese Daimyo in the late 1840s, but should continue to work for Tokugawa or the Emperor. Even if it doesn't, it's worth starting early so as to start setting up fledgling industries and ensure the restoration takes place asap. I was able to do the restoration in the early 1860s IIRC. I bet I could get it earlier if I manipulated a few things.

    >using memearrows


    Field Marshal

    87 Badges

    Feb 5, 2011
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    • Jun 22, 2015
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    • #9

    meme arrows? I use them as bullets. notice no >???? or >Profit Strategy advice for Japan needed. (317)

    Magnificent Genius

    Perennial Also-Ran

    95 Badges

    Oct 28, 2014
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    • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (323)
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    • Jun 23, 2015
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    • #10

    Uh, so how much Infantry is actually needed to take on Korea? I thought with the tech advantage two four stacks would do it, but it seems otherwise. Korea's army keeps overwhelming my stacks. Wjich means I definitely won't have enough to face down China.



    Second Lieutenant
    Feb 15, 2015
      • Jun 23, 2015
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      • #11

      I suppouse they are only defeating you with sheer numbers. Try to attack with an army with similar men in combat. Since you are ahead in technology, that should be enough.

      Magnificent Genius

      Perennial Also-Ran

      95 Badges

      Oct 28, 2014
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      • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (371)
      • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (372)
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      • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (419)
      • Jun 24, 2015
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      • #12

      Red_Galiray said:

      I suppouse they are only defeating you with sheer numbers. Try to attack with an army with similar men in combat. Since you are ahead in technology, that should be enough.

      So, instead of two four stacks I should probably use one eight stack?



      26 Badges

      Dec 22, 2012
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      • Strategy advice for Japan needed. (446)
      • Jun 24, 2015
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      • #13

      LiberiusX said:

      >Install Pops of Darkness.
      >Play Tokugawa Shogunate or the Emperor.
      >Read THIS article.
      >Conquer the Western Pacific Rim.

      I did this playing the Otomo(or was it Satsuma? I don't remember). The economy quits working for most of the Japanese Daimyo in the late 1840s, but should continue to work for Tokugawa or the Emperor. Even if it doesn't, it's worth starting early so as to start setting up fledgling industries and ensure the restoration takes place asap. I was able to do the restoration in the early 1860s IIRC. I bet I could get it earlier if I manipulated a few things.

      setsunaluvr said:

      So, I decided, in my finite wisdom, to play through my first game of Victoria 2 as Japan. Mostly because I want a challenge. I am sure it will be fun too.

      you know the kind of person who recommends a total changeup mod to somebody who has never played a game before? The kind of people whos terms get me modded, thats who.



      8 Badges

      Mar 10, 2015
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      • Jun 24, 2015
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      • #14

      when you fight Korea, generally you'll fight Korea AND the Chinese Empire. Korea by itself is mince meat for Japan. The Chinese Empire not so much. The key issue with the Japanese is establishing a foothold on Korea before the Chinese flood you out. Maybe instead of conquering Korea all at once you can try to conquer a province. It's more likely you'll be able to win way more easily by trying to conquer say North Korea first then finish South Korea later. The Chinese Empire will put up a tougher fight for the entirety of Korea.

      perhaps even more important than abusing sphering is to abuse alliances. IF you declare war on Korea, you will only fight their allies (e.g. Chinese Empire, and not their substates). Keep that in mind. For instance, if I wanna fight Russia, and I'd rather not fight France (who usually allies with Russia), you can try to humiliate Krakow (Russian ally, presuming they aren't friendly with other GP) and then add war goals onto Russia. This is at the expense of infamy but lets you better control who you fight.

      Now this doesn't necessarily work in a multiplayer setting, who can call their allies in war.



      37 Badges

      Jul 22, 2013
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      • Jun 24, 2015
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      • #15

      Watch some Japan let's play. Shenryyr2 has one up to date patch wise I think.

      Starting moves would be to get like 10 transport ships (start building before you unpause) before clipper convoys are gone. Start the Early Restoration thing for free economic tech and some research points. Change ruling party from shogunate to that blue one too please pops and keep militancy low. Draft some cavalry, should be ok to have 2 per 8 infantry. Keep economy in green (max taxes and something about 51% in costs) and wait for ships and tech points. First choose reform that gives you Infantry unit.

      Build real army with Infantry instead of irregulars. Expensive but worth it. Claim Conquest on Korea if you have transports ready to go. Lots potential infamy but if you are lucky it may turn out to be 0. Once you have few 30k armies done (10 regiments 8inf+2cav) or ratio and CB on Korea go to war. Keep some small forces on mainland Japan since China might have some transports. Land in provinces with largest support limit so you don't suffer much attrition. Siege one province to make if easier to send rest of the invasion forces. Try baiting Korean army into attacking you so they suffer penalties (unless they sit in plains and have no general). Once their armies are gone split your stacks (keep one cav per army to speed up sieges) in two and carpet siege asap. After Korea is 100% occupied annex them (enjoy huge boost in research points for reforms).
      It's a 50/50 thing but while at war with Korea you might get research points for another reform before peacing out (something like ability to build naval bases). The bad thing is that occupied Korans will gain militancy and be pain in the backside till you Westernize and become GP..

      Forward your armies to northern border with Manchuria and dig in. Wait for ticking war score to White Peace China or maybe steal something from them if you have infamy room.

      You might end up fighting huge battles with China so keep your armies in woods and hills. 30k stacks with good generals should be able to hold till reinforcements arrive. Disable automatic generals creation so you can focus only on generals and not waste points for admirals.

      Don't rush reforms. Getting reactionaries due to high militancy could be bad. I have no idea about the optimal choice of reforms.




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      • Jun 24, 2015
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      • #16

      One of my favorite (okay, most successful) opening moves with Japan is to Conquer Brunei -- only 50.10k population. It starts with only 1 military unit, so it's an easy conquest. The land is pretty valuable too: 4 provinces consisting of 1xcoffee, 2xtimber and 1xgrain.

      It makes a convenient staging point for an early invasion of Johore, another good target before Westernization. It has 8-.40k people, and it's 4 provinces are 1x grain and 3x timber. In several games, I've seen the 3x timber turn into 3xprecious metals before 1850, making them pretty lucrative. The only caution is that Johore puts you next to the UK. Should you become a GP and get involved in a crisis war with the UK on the other side, you will get pushed into the ocean, especially if they have a CB against you. Siam allies with Johore pretty early on, and they can be troublesome, trying to return your new territory to Jahore. (Garrison the islands of Okinawa -- Siam likes to target them).

      It's pretty easy for Japan to bubble up into GP status before learning the 1st tech once you're Westernized. Working on adding Cambodia, Siam, Dai Nam and Burma to your sphere of influence will provide you with ample material goods if you can hold onto them.

      Beyond that, you're on your own. You will need to walk on eggshells around China and all its puppet states.

      Magnificent Genius

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      Oct 28, 2014
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      • Jun 25, 2015
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      • #17

      Is cavalry really that useful? I thought I should go all infantry to make the most of my tech advantage.

      Also, what do I do with the troops I start out with? I was thinking of using some of them to garrison benin, okinawa and that other island. Maybe two regiments apiece.


      do you even left

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      Jun 11, 2012
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      • Jun 25, 2015
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      • #18

      setsunaluvr said:

      Is cavalry really that useful? I thought I should go all infantry to make the most of my tech advantage.

      Also, what do I do with the troops I start out with? I was thinking of using some of them to garrison benin, okinawa and that other island. Maybe two regiments apiece.

      They have a bit of recon which allows you to siege faster. If the battles get big enough to fill out the entire combat width then they'll attack from the flanks without taking damage. It's unlikely that will happen though and Korea usually doesn't build a lot of forts. Disband the irregulars you started with and build infantry instead.




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      Oct 3, 2014
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      • Jun 25, 2015
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      • #19

      Gnorf said:

      They have a bit of recon which allows you to siege faster. If the battles get big enough to fill out the entire combat width then they'll attack from the flanks without taking damage. It's unlikely that will happen though and Korea usually doesn't build a lot of forts. Disband the irregulars you started with and build infantry instead.

      Agree with the cavalry. I prefer 1 cav and 5 iirregulars in my initial 18 point stacks. Put them in forts on key positions. I will make several stacks of 24 on Japan with 3 cav and 5 infantry and set them on 'Hunt Rebels' to deal with the rather nasty uprising early on. Later on, you can slowly convert those irregulars to infantry. Be careful about throwing away units with experience, though.

      I would hang on to some irregulars, though. They are dirt cheap (<1 maintenance / day) I just started a game to investigate military maintenance costs and that accursed Land Unit stockpile slider. Most of the early infantry tech (pre 1860 anyway) applies to all units, including irregulars.




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      Aug 13, 2012
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      • Jun 25, 2015
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      • #20

      go for Korea and Manchuria, but try yo be fair with the people Strategy advice for Japan needed. (677)

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      Strategy advice for Japan needed. (2024)


      What does Japan need to improve on? ›

      The Economic Strategy Council judges that the economic revival of Japan would be impossible without reforming the current employment system of government employees, strongly implementing various institutional reforms including deregulation, improving the accounting methods in the public sector, fundamentally ...

      What do you need before going to Japan? ›

      You must have a valid passport and an onward/return ticket for tourist/business "visa free" stays of up to 90 days. Your passport must be valid for the entire time you are staying in Japan. You cannot work on a 90-day "visa free" entry.

      What is the most efficient way to travel in Japan? ›

      Trains. We recommend travelling between the cities in Japan by using a Japan Rail Pass, on the hi-tech “Shinkansen” trains. The passes are valid for 7, 14 or 21 days, and they are the most convenient and economical option when taking multiple train journeys across Japan.

      Why would you choose Japan? ›

      Boundless variety means endless inspiration

      Japan spans 20+ degrees of latitude. Visitors can enjoy a stunning range of landscapes and ecosystems, as well as historic cities and towns. Surprisingly short journeys can take your group to diverse destinations with venues offering unique meeting and event experiences.

      What does Japan need the most? ›

      Japan lacks many raw materials needed for industry and energy, such as oil, coal, iron ore, copper, aluminum and wood. Japan must import most of these goods.

      What is Japan's future plan? ›

      Japan will strengthen East Asian integration by ensuring the free movement of goods, people, services, capital, and information, and by boosting economic development and solving global problems. A new focus on the primacy of the individual will create a nation that relies on the power of its people.

      Is Tylenol illegal in Japan? ›

      The following over-the-counter medications are prohibited in Japan since they contain narcotic or stimulant ingredients in excess of the Japanese standard: TYLENOL COLD. NYQUIL. NYQUIL LIQUICAPS.

      Is ibuprofen illegal in Japan? ›

      Most over-the-counter medicines are legal to bring into Japan such as Tylenol, Asprin, Claritin, Tums, Ibuprofen, Advil, and generic version.

      How do I prepare to move to Japan? ›

      1. Step 1: Make sure you fill all the moving to Japan requirements. ...
      2. Step 2: Budget for your move. ...
      3. Step 3: Set up your finances in Japan. ...
      4. Step 4: Find a job and work in Japan. ...
      5. Step 5: Get a place to live in Japan. ...
      6. Step 6: Make yourself familiar with Japanese healthcare. ...
      7. Step 7: If you haven't already, learn the language.

      What is Japan's tourism strategy? ›

      In Brief. Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is addressing overtourism and promoting sustainable tourism through a series of measures. These include redirecting visitors to regional areas, fostering local collaboration and adopting innovative measures to reduce congestion.

      How much do you need for 1 week in Japan? ›

      Solo traveler. The cost for one person to visit Japan for a week is 155 000 ¥ – 200 000 ¥ (1200 USD – 1500 USD) (bare in mind that it depends on the person/ offers/ period/ and preferences). Food: On average per day a moderate budget tourist spends about 4,500 ¥ on food.

      Can you get around Japan without speaking Japanese? ›

      Yet, many travelers hesitate, wondering if the idea of visiting Japan without knowing Japanese is even possible – the answer is a big YES. If you are visiting Japan without knowing Japanese, you would need to utilize tech tools, understand key cultural cues, and learn essential phrases to navigate and enjoy your trip.

      Do people in Japan speak English? ›

      Not only is there always someone who speaks English, but you'll also see most things written in both Japanese and English. In most big cities in Japan, things are pretty much similar when you go shopping as well, except you may not always find English-speaking staff.

      Why is everyone going to Japan now? ›

      Proximity, safety, the convenient high-speed rail network, and attractions that appeal to everyone from kids, teenagers, retirees, foodies, skiers, hikers and bikers have put it high on travel bucket lists.

      What is the crime rate in Japan? ›

      Japan Crime Rate & Statistics 1960-2024
      Japan Crime Rate & Statistics - Historical Data
      YearPer 100K PopulationAnnual % Change
      60 more rows

      What does Japan rely on? ›

      Japan relies heavily on the sea as a source of food. It has one of the largest fish catches of any country in the world, much of it derived from long-distance deep-sea fisheries. In spite of its dominant international position, the Japanese fishing sector faces some serious problems.

      What are the economic issues in Japan? ›

      Low domestic demand, low consumer spending, and high inflation are only some of the problems Japan's economy faces as wage negotiations approach for the year.

      What makes Japan developed? ›

      There are four main factors that allowed for this super rapid growth: technological change, accumulation of capital, increased quantity and quality of labor, and increased international trade.

      What can Japan do to improve climate change? ›

      To improve its climate action, Japan could do the following:
      • Commit to a full coal phase-out by 2030.
      • Stop public financing of fossil fuel projects overseas and stop the international promotion of “clean coal” technologies.


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      Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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      Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.