A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (2024)

Shelly Ann Cameron · · 38 Comments

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A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (1)

Us girls are always looking for hair growth remedies and supplements* to give us healthy long locs. Often, many newbies and veterans alike will decideto incorporate a Biotin* supplements* into theirdiet to achieve long healthy hair; But what if I told you that there is something better?Something that does not have the side effects that comes with taking Biotin* like the increase in skin breakoutsthat most of us complain about.

I took some time to research sulfur powder and how to use it and most importantly, why we should use it. The use of sulfur powder is something relatively new to me, so I had to make sure I had all my ducks in a row before presenting this to your lovely ladies.

Sulfur powder is a very important compound that most humans need. We need sulfur* to improve our skin conditions, for scalp health, and joint functionality especially if you suffer from arthritis, along with other great health benefits. According to Eric Boon at www.usesof.net,

“Sulfur is effective because of its keratolytic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.”

That alone makes it very popular as a hair growth supplement, great for scalp therapy and the holy grail for hair loss. When purchasing Sulfur Powder make sure to get ‘Sublimed Sulfur Powder‘ and this you can easily find on Amazon and some Trader Joe stores.

Believe it or not, we use products containing sulfur powder every day. Just go and check the ingredients of your lotions, acne treatments, dandruff shampoos and eczema or psoriasis medications; you will find sulfur somewhere on the list. During my research, I found out that sulfur* compounds are the biggest problem solvers for skin conditions such as eczema, dandruff and acne.

I suffer from eczema, and spend tons of money on ointments, shampoos and lotions for my skin and scalp. So I was excited that I could possibly limit my pharmacy visits by making a DIY Sulfur scalp oil* that will improve my scalp’s health, stimulate growth and I could also use on my entire body.

Before making the oil I did check with my doctor first because for one I am currently pregnant and I was worried it might not be safe for me to use or mix this powder if not prescribed. Thankfully I was able to ask the doctor questions and I was told that it is perfectly safe and also very effective. We always advise that you do the same thing when trying something new that you might want to mix at home.

The doctor went on to explain that Selenium Sulfide, which is the active ingredient used in dandruff and scalp eczema shampoos are sulfur compounds so making your own sulfur hair growth oil and scalp treatment with sublimed sulfur powder is beneficial as long as you use a smallamount of the sulfur powder in your mixtures.

DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil – Next page

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A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (2)

About Shelly Ann Cameron

Hi, I am Shelly Ann Cameron, freelance writer for BlackHairInformation.com. Jamaican born but call NYC home since 2005. When I'm not at my full time job as a Marketing Analyst, I am blogging about natural hair and lifestyle on my blog www.glamnaturallife.com. I created my blog to document my natural hair journey and share whatever I learned along the way. I am a promoter of healthy hair whether it's relaxed or natural. While I am no natural hair Nazi, since going natural in 2011, many of my articles are natural hair driven.


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Reader Interactions


  1. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (11)Pandora Gibson says

    I would try this, it doesn’t say how often to use it!


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (12)Alma Ruddock says

      Every other day should be fine Pandora


  2. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (13)Funkz A Abz says

    @Pandora Gibson It’s probably as often as you would any growth oil


  3. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (14)Karleen Brownsuga says

    I’ll definitely try this even though my scalp stop itching since I’m taking #themanechoice hair vitamins!!


  4. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (16)Michelle Clark says

    Unfortunately I have an allergic reaction to Sulphur products. I can do it in minimum amounts but I would look like a lizard otherwise.


  5. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (17)Ricca Armand says

    This sounds like a great idea and I will definitely try this. But I want to know should i only apply this oil to my scalp or can I apply it throughout my hair?


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (18)Alma Ruddock says

      With the sulfur smell I would say just apply it on your scalp then use a sweeter or neutral smelling oil for the rest of your hair.


  6. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (19)Ana says


    I’m currently pregnant i want to try it, can i use castor oil? And if i use henna in my hair can i still use it?

    How do i find the best brand for real henna, castor oil, and the other oils??


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (20)Alma Ruddock says

      There are no indications of trouble using sulfur or henna when you are pregnant but since the sulfur is easily absorbed I would double check with a doctor first.

      With henna as long as you ensure that it is pure 100% henna like Jamila henna then you should be fine. With oils always check the ingredients to be sure that you are getting a 100% pure product and not one that’s been diluted with mineral oils or other such cheap additive.


  7. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (21)Monette McLin says

    I’m going to try this as my weekly pre-poo under a plastic cap for 25 min. on medium heat. I have never had an allergic reaction to sulfur so far.


  8. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (23)Ruth Dyson says

    I have numerous bottles of Flowers of Sulfur. My mom purchased them years ago just before the drug stores stopped selling them. I just opened a new bottle yesterday. I mixed it with Vaseline and gave it to someone to use on ringworm. It is a WONDERFUL product.
    I ran out of my oils and this came the day I planned to get more. Thank you and I AM trying this!


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (24)Alma Ruddock says

      Let us know how you get on Ruth 🙂


  9. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (25)Joy says

    I’ve heard that sulfur while sulfur can be good for your scalp, it is very drying to hair. Any thought on how to combat that?


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (26)Alma Ruddock says

      I’ve been using this oil for around a month so far Joy and I haven’t noticed any drying. If you use it as part of LOC method or just on your scalp, don’t imagine that it will be a problem.


  10. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (27)Isyss says

    I think there’s an easier and less messy way to go about using sulfur in our hair. I use MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) and you can get it in a liquid form in a spray container. I have low porosity hair, so use the greenhouse method on a daily basis to just get moisture into my hair. I’ve noticed that by adding a few sprays of MSM along with my other spray I use daily my hair has experience a lot of growth.


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (28)Rechette says

      Do you spray msm directly on hair or do you mix it in a container with another product?


  11. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (29)Keisha says

    I’m in the transition phase of going natural and love this idea. In going to try this but would like to know approximately how long it would take before I see results and if it’s ok to use on my 7 and 11year old daughters who are natural?


  12. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (30)emmjaepenniman says

    Thank you for this recipe. I already have the tea tree oil and I’m always looking for ideas to get rid of my itchy, flaky scalp.


  13. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (31)Vero says

    Can you substitute MSM powder for the sublimed sulfur powder? If so will it work as well? MSM powder is available at a local healthfood store I frequent.


    • A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (32)Alma Ruddock says

      That is actually what you are supposed to use for this recipe 🙂


  14. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (33)Stephanie Carter says

    Yes, I will be adding this to my regimen. It is a lot easier than the treatment I’ve been using that requires cowashing my hair three times a week to remove the growth treatment. Thanks for the great article.


  15. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (34)Brenda says

    What about hair loss due to ?


  16. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (35)Brenda says

    What about hair loss due to alopecia?


  17. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (36)brigletts says

    the video says private and we are unable to view it


  18. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (39)Chala Brooks says

    I have been using Sulfur 8 grease for my scalp because I have Seborrheic Dermatitis and my scalp can become very irritated, red, inflamed and scaly if I do not use my medicated shampoo or the Sulfur 8. I hate using the medicated shampoo to often because it is drying to my hair. The Sulfur 8 I use is the light version with the blue label. I have only seen it at Walmart. It doesn’t have the strong smell like the original with the yellow label. It has been a lifesaver for me and my scalp. I knew it was my go to when my scalp was on fire and very inflamed one day plus itchy. I almost lost it but when I put the Sulfur 8 grease on my scalp, it calmed down in about 15 minutes and my scalp was healing right away because the next day my scalp felt a lot better and looked better too. I was also able to wear my hair styles for over a week if I needed to and my scalp remained balanced. This article is another good option if I ever need it. Thank you so much


  19. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (40)Chala Brooks says

    I have been using Sulfur 8 grease for my scalp because I have Seborrheic Dermatitis and my scalp can become very irritated, red, inflamed and scaly if I do not use my medicated shampoo or the Sulfur 8. I hate using the medicated shampoo to often because it is drying to my hair. The Sulfur 8 I use is the light version with the blue label. I have only seen it at Walmart. It doesn’t have the strong smell like the original with the yellow label. It has been a lifesaver for me and my scalp. I knew it was my go to when my scalp was on fire and very inflamed one day plus itchy. I almost lost it but when I put the Sulfur 8 grease on my scalp, it calmed down in about 15 minutes and my scalp was healing right away because the next day my scalp felt a lot better and looked better too. I was also able to wear my hair styles for over a week if I needed to and my scalp remained balanced. This article is another good option if I ever need it. Thank you so much.


  20. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (42)Wenona Brown says

    Ok let’s do it this wknd. 😉


  21. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (43)Tera Jackson says

    But I am usually hearing there is nothing to fasten up your hair growth..


  22. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (44)Kamara says

    I would love to see how to make this DIY but I can’t see the directions because of the ad in the middle of the page, it’s covering it up. Second I clicked on the youtube screen but it says the video is private. Could you please help?


  23. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (46)Mike Sharpe says

    If you are suffering from hair loss then read my success story. Ever since I was in my early 20’s my hair seemed to get thinner & thinner and with my Dad also being bald I knew the inevitable was going to happen. While my hair got thin to the point of being almost bald I think I spent the next 15 years trying to prevent my hair loss and so I have tried pretty much every pill/shampoo/supplement there is. I spent a lot of money and absolutely none of them worked.

    Then about 2 years or so ago I came across a video on the internet at the following website:
    healthcurenews*com/hairloss (obviously change the * for a dot as it won’t let me post links here). This website shows a method of regrowing your hair via natural treatment methods. I was skeptical but I went ahead with their guide and within a month my hair was already showing signs of regrowth improvement. 6 months later, my hair was thicker than it was when I was 16 and now with occasional treatment I have a stable head of full hair. Have a watch of the video and then see for yourself. I am just sharing a method that worked incredibly for me so please don’t flame me for posting a link if it is against comment guidelines


  24. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (47)Eliza says

    Please be mindful of the sulfur you use- MSM is an edible sulfur- white in appearance, sold as a vitamin. The sulfur you use for your hair is sublimed sulfur, the yellow powder, and is very dangerous to consume in a large amount and you need to do your best to not breath it in. Do yourself a favor and just get a ready made sulfur oil blend- Here is a link to one from amazon- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0711X1MQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T2_3LcuzbHSMPYTG Conscious Essence Long hair & health scalp oil blend.


  25. A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (48)Linda Oliver says

    I really want to try this but can you tell me what is the difference between the 99.9% yellow sulfur powder. In the sublimed sulfur powder that you recommend we use.


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Filed Under: HAIR GROWTH Tagged With: Hair Growth, hair growth oil, recipe, sulfur, sulfur growth oil

A Simple DIY Sulfur Hair Growth Oil Recipe (2024)


How to make sulphur oil for hair? ›

  1. Add 1 tsp of sulfur to an applicator bottle. I used a funnel to avoid wasting any sulfur or making a mess. ...
  2. Add 8 oz. (1 cup) of any oil of your choice. ...
  3. OPTIONAL: ...
  4. You have just made your very own sulfur-based hair growth aid. ...
  5. TIPS:
Dec 19, 2013

How do you make massive hair growth oil? ›

Here are some DIY Hair Growth recipes:
  1. Curry leaves in coconut oil: ...
  2. Camphor, castor oil and olive oil: ...
  3. Kalonji seeds in olive or coconut oil: ...
  4. Amla in olive oil: ...
  5. Suspension of neem in almond oil: ...
  6. Hibiscus flowers in coconut oil: ...
  7. Onion in lavender oil: ...
  8. Peppermint oil & grapeseed carrier oil:

What is the best oil mix for hair growth? ›

Mixing Magic: Pour 50ml of sesame seed oil, 24ml of castor oil, and 24ml of almond oil into a bowl. Stir it up like you're crafting a hair growth spell. Essential Enchantment: Add 1.5ml of rosemary essential oil. This isn't just any oil — it's like the conductor of a hair growth orchestra!

Does sulfur make hair grow faster? ›

Unquestionably, sulfur is a crucial component for sustaining healthy hair. Its contribution to keratin creation, hair growth stimulation, and scalp health cannot be understated. The issue is moderation, however, as with many other things in life.

What happens when you mix sulfur and oil? ›

Avoid using oils in combination with sulfur or sulfur-containing pesticides, as elemental sulfur can stay present on plants for long periods. If oils are applied when it is still present, the two will react to form phytotoxic compounds1.

How to dissolve sulphur in oil? ›

Sulphur is soluble in organic non-polar solvents like carbon disulphide, benzene, and toluene. Hence, the suitable solvent for sulfur is carbon disulfide ( ).

What oil causes extreme hair growth? ›

Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil can speed up hair growth. Knowing that lavender oil has properties that can generate the growth of cells and reduce stress, researchers on one animal study found that this oil was able to generate faster hair growth in mice.

Which oil is best for massive hair growth? ›

Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oils for hair growth, especially during the anagen (growing) phase. This essential oil increases blood flow to your scalp that may help improve the strength of your follicles. A study conducted on mice showed that peppermint oil increased the number of hair follicles on them.

What DIY hair growth oil actually works? ›

Cedarwood Essential Oil is an extremely important ingredient when re-growing hair. Study after study prove cedarwood oil (usually mixed with jojoba oil) is very effective when it comes to re-growing hair. Rosemary Essential Oil stimulates blood circulation which in turn wakes up the hair shaft.

What is 7 oil mix for hair growth? ›

7 Oil Blend: Sunflower Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Linseed Oil, Castor Oil and Soybean Oil.

What stimulates hair follicles? ›

Massage. Massaging the scalp with hair oils and masks stimulates the scalp and may improve hair thickness . Stretching during the massage could encourage hair growth and thickness in the dermal papilla cells, which are located at the bottom of the hair follicle.

What oils should not be mixed together? ›

The combination of Peppermint and Thyme may lead to stomach irritation. There is also some evidence that skin irritation may be caused by the combination of Peppermint and Ylang Ylang, or Grapefruit blended with Lemon.

What ingredient makes your hair grow the fastest? ›

Overall, the research suggests that Cedarwood Oil can be an effective ingredient in promoting hair growth and improving scalp health. Its ability to stimulate hair growth, improve scalp health, and improve blood circulation makes it an ideal ingredient for hair care products.

What speeds up hair growth the most? ›

Some ways to help promote healthier and faster hair growth may include eating more protein, using products made with caffeine, avoiding permanent dye, and reducing stress, among others. You're born with all the hair follicles you'll ever have, including around 80,000–120,000 on your scalp.

Can I mix sulphur with coconut oil? ›

You can either apply it directly as a powder or mix it into an oil of your choice such as coconut or jojoba oil by simply warming the oil and slowly mixing in 2 or 3 tablespoons of the sulphur.

Is Too Much sulphur bad for your hair? ›

Cincotta also notes that sulfur will not damage hair, so there is no need to avoid it. "If hair is healthy and undamaged the sulfur will not find damaged areas in the hair and will rinse out," he says.

How do you extract sulfur from oil? ›

Numerous methods are used today for removing sulfur compounds from petroleum feedstock, such as hydrotreating, bio- and oxidative desulfurization, extraction, including supercritical fluid extraction, adsorption, alkylation, etc.

Which oil contains sulphur? ›

For example, soybean oil (SO) contains approximately 5 ppm of sulfur compounds, which is highly dependent on the crop conditions (e.g., soil properties and fertilizers) and regions [13] . Soybean oil-derived BDF (SO-BDF) consequently contains several ppm of sulfur compounds. ...


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.