7 Key Steps to Conquer The 7 Year Itch (2024)

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize early signs of relationship strain
  • Enhance communication and understanding
  • Reignite romance and intimacy
  • Balancing personal and joint growth
  • Seeking help when needed is vital

Understanding 'The 7 Year Itch': A Comprehensive Overview

The term 'The 7 Year Itch' has become a well-known phrase in the realm of long-term relationships, often used to describe a decline in relationship satisfaction around the seventh year. It signifies a critical period where couples may experience feelings of restlessness or dissatisfaction. This concept, rooted in psychological and social observations, has been a topic of interest for relationship experts and therapists alike.

Interestingly, the 'itch' isn't just a myth perpetuated by popular culture. Studies have shown that around the seventh year, many couples do indeed experience a notable change in their relationship dynamic. This phase often coincides with significant life changes such as the birth of a child, career transitions, or evolving personal aspirations, all of which can put additional strain on a relationship.

However, it's crucial to note that 'The 7 Year Itch' isn't an inevitable crisis but rather a phase of reevaluation and potential growth. Relationships are dynamic, and this period can be an opportunity for couples to deepen their connection, provided they navigate it with awareness and mutual effort. Understanding the underlying factors of this phenomenon is key to addressing it effectively.

Central to this understanding is the recognition of changing individual needs and expectations within a relationship. Over time, what partners need from each other and their relationship can evolve, sometimes leading to feelings of disconnect if these changing needs aren't communicated or understood. This evolution is a normal part of any long-term relationship.

Another crucial aspect is external pressures and stressors. These can range from financial difficulties to extended family issues, and they can significantly impact the relationship's health. The way couples manage these external factors can either strengthen their bond or contribute to the 'itch.'

Ultimately, the key to overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch' lies in acknowledging its existence, understanding its causes, and proactively working towards nurturing and evolving the relationship. It's about rediscovering each other, adapting to life's changes together, and fostering ongoing communication and connection.

Identifying the Signs of 'The 7 Year Itch'

Recognizing the signs of 'The 7 Year Itch' is crucial for taking proactive steps to address and overcome it. One of the most common signs is a feeling of monotony or boredom in the relationship. This sensation often stems from a routine that has become too predictable and lacks excitement or novelty.

Another telling sign is increased conflict or arguments. While disagreements are normal in any relationship, a noticeable increase in frequency or intensity of arguments around the seven-year mark can be indicative of deeper issues. These conflicts often revolve around fundamental aspects of the relationship, such as communication, intimacy, or shared values.

Decreased intimacy and emotional distance are also key indicators. This can manifest as a reduction in physical closeness, affection, or a feeling that the emotional bond that once brought the couple together has weakened. It's important to note that intimacy is not just about physical closeness; it's equally about emotional connection and sharing.

Lastly, a sense of individual dissatisfaction or personal unhappiness that spills over into the relationship can be a sign. When one or both partners feel unfulfilled personally, whether in their career, social life, or personal growth, it can negatively impact the relationship. This often leads to a situation where the relationship is blamed for personal dissatisfaction.

Identifying these signs early and addressing them can help couples navigate 'The 7 Year Itch' more effectively, fostering a stronger, more resilient relationship.

The Psychological Roots of 'The 7 Year Itch'

7 Key Steps to Conquer The 7 Year Itch (1)

Delving into the psychological underpinnings of 'The 7 Year Itch' reveals a complex interplay of emotional, cognitive, and social factors. At its core, this phenomenon often arises from unmet psychological needs and evolving desires within a relationship. As individuals grow and change, their emotional needs can also shift, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnection in a partnership that once felt fulfilling.

Attachment theory provides a useful lens to understand this change. Over time, the security and excitement that once defined a relationship can give way to a sense of complacency or predictability. This shift can trigger underlying anxieties or insecurities, influencing how individuals engage with their partners. It's a critical period where the emotional bonds that hold a relationship together are tested and redefined.

Another key aspect is the concept of the self-actualization journey within a relationship. As people evolve, their pursuit of personal goals and aspirations can create tension within the relationship, especially if these goals diverge or seem incompatible. This divergence can lead to a reassessment of the relationship's role in each partner's life.

Cognitive factors also play a significant role. The way partners perceive and interpret each other's actions and intentions can change over time, leading to misunderstandings or negative cycles of interaction. This cognitive shift can result in a breakdown of communication and empathy, fundamental pillars of any strong relationship.

Finally, societal and cultural expectations can exert a subtle yet powerful influence. Couples may feel pressure to adhere to certain relationship milestones or standards, leading to a sense of inadequacy or unfulfilled expectations. This external pressure can exacerbate the internal challenges couples face during 'The 7 Year Itch.'

Communication Strategies to Overcome 'The 7 Year Itch'

Effective communication is a cornerstone in overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch'. The first step is creating an environment where open and honest dialogue is not just encouraged but nurtured. This means establishing regular check-ins where both partners feel safe to express their feelings, concerns, and desires without fear of judgment or retaliation.

Active listening is a vital component of these conversations. It involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said. This practice helps in not just hearing but truly understanding a partner's perspective, fostering empathy and connection.

Another important strategy is learning to express needs and desires clearly and respectfully. This involves moving away from accusatory language and instead focusing on 'I' statements that emphasize personal feelings and needs. For example, saying 'I feel neglected when we don't spend quality time together' is more constructive than 'You never spend time with me.'

Navigating conflicts constructively is also crucial. This means approaching disagreements with the aim of finding a solution or compromise, rather than winning an argument. It involves recognizing and respecting differences, finding common ground, and working together to resolve issues.

Developing a shared language for emotions can also be beneficial. This involves creating a common understanding of emotional expressions and responses, helping partners to communicate more effectively about their feelings. It can be as simple as agreeing on terms or phrases that accurately describe complex emotions or states of mind.

Lastly, it's important to recognize when external help is needed. Sometimes, couples may benefit from the guidance of a relationship counselor or therapist to facilitate communication and resolve deeper issues. Professional assistance can provide the tools and strategies needed to strengthen communication and rekindle the relationship's connection.

Rekindling Romance: Tips and Tricks

7 Key Steps to Conquer The 7 Year Itch (2)

Reigniting the spark in a relationship is essential in overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch'. The first step is to acknowledge the importance of romance and make it a priority. This begins with small gestures of affection, like leaving love notes or sending a thoughtful text during the day. Such actions can create a sense of excitement and show your partner that they are still deeply valued.

Scheduling regular date nights is another powerful way to rekindle romance. Whether it's a dinner at a favorite restaurant, a movie night, or a walk in the park, dedicating time exclusively for each other helps in reconnecting and creating new memories. These moments provide an opportunity to step away from the routine of daily life and focus on each other.

Exploring new activities together can also be a great way to reignite passion. Trying out a new hobby, taking a class together, or traveling to a new destination can bring a sense of adventure and novelty to the relationship, helping to break the monotony that often accompanies the seven-year mark.

Physical intimacy plays a crucial role in maintaining a romantic connection. It's important to create opportunities for intimacy, whether it's through cuddling, holding hands, or more intimate expressions of love. Maintaining a physical connection can strengthen the emotional bond and reinforce the romantic aspect of the relationship.

Revisiting the beginning of your relationship can also be a heartwarming way to rekindle romance. Recalling first dates, special moments, and the early days of your relationship can remind both partners of the reasons they fell in love and the journey they've shared.

Effective communication about romantic needs and desires is also key. Openly discussing what each partner finds romantic or meaningful can lead to a deeper understanding and fulfillment of each other's emotional needs. This dialogue can help tailor romantic gestures to be more impactful and appreciated.

Lastly, it's important to keep a sense of humor and playfulness alive in the relationship. Laughter and fun are powerful tools in keeping a relationship fresh and vibrant. Engaging in playful activities or humor can lighten the mood and foster a sense of shared joy and connection.

Balancing Personal Growth and Relationship Goals

Balancing personal growth with relationship goals is essential for overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch'. It begins with acknowledging that both partners are individuals with unique aspirations and goals. Supporting each other's personal growth and celebrating individual achievements can strengthen the bond and deepen mutual respect.

Communication is key in balancing these aspects. Regular discussions about personal and relationship goals can help align expectations and foster a sense of teamwork. This dialogue provides an opportunity to understand each other's aspirations and find ways to support them within the context of the relationship.

Setting joint goals is also beneficial. These can range from financial objectives to lifestyle changes or shared hobbies. Working towards these goals together can create a sense of unity and shared purpose, reinforcing the partnership while allowing for individual growth.

Lastly, it's important to respect each other's need for space and independence. Allowing for time apart to pursue individual interests or simply to recharge can be healthy for the relationship. It provides an opportunity for personal reflection and growth, which can in turn positively impact the relationship.

Navigating Financial Challenges in Your Relationship

Financial challenges are a common stressor in long-term relationships, particularly around the seven-year mark. Open and honest communication about finances is the first step in addressing these challenges. This involves sitting down together, discussing each other's financial perspectives, and understanding any differences in spending habits, saving goals, and attitudes towards money.

Creating a joint budget can be an effective way to manage financial stress. This budget should reflect both partners' income, expenses, and financial goals. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget together ensures that it remains aligned with the couple's changing needs and circ*mstances.

It's also important to respect each other's financial independence. While joint financial decisions are key, allowing each partner some autonomy in their spending can reduce tension and foster trust. This balance between shared and individual financial responsibilities can be pivotal in maintaining harmony.

Seeking financial advice from a professional can also be beneficial. A financial advisor can provide objective guidance on managing debts, investments, and savings, helping to alleviate some of the pressures that financial issues can place on a relationship.

The Role of Intimacy in Beating 'The 7 Year Itch'

Intimacy, both emotional and physical, plays a crucial role in overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch'. Emotional intimacy involves creating a deep connection through sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's about feeling understood, valued, and connected on a deeper level beyond the physical aspects of the relationship.

Physical intimacy is equally important. It's not just about sexual activity, but also about smaller gestures of affection like holding hands, hugging, or a spontaneous kiss. These actions help maintain a sense of closeness and connection, reminding each other of the romantic and passionate aspects of the relationship.

Creating a safe space for vulnerability is key to fostering intimacy. This means allowing each other to express fears, insecurities, and hopes without judgment. When both partners feel safe to be vulnerable, it deepens trust and strengthens the emotional bond.

Intimacy also involves a level of playfulness and fun. Engaging in activities that both partners enjoy, trying new things together, or simply being silly together can reignite feelings of intimacy and remind each other of the joy in the relationship.

Communicating about intimacy needs and preferences is vital. Open discussions about desires, comfort levels, and boundaries can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling intimate life. It's important that these conversations are approached with sensitivity and respect.

Occasionally, seeking external support from a counselor or therapist can be beneficial. If there are underlying issues affecting intimacy, professional guidance can provide the tools and strategies to address them effectively.

Lastly, remembering that intimacy evolves over time is crucial. As the relationship matures, the ways in which partners express and experience intimacy may change. Embracing these changes as a natural part of the relationship's growth is important for maintaining a strong, intimate connection.

Planning Future Goals Together: A Path to Renewed Connection

Setting and working towards shared goals is a powerful way to strengthen a relationship, especially when facing 'The 7 Year Itch'. The first step is to sit down together and discuss what each partner envisions for the future. These discussions should encompass a range of topics, from personal aspirations to family planning, career objectives, and lifestyle choices.

Once these visions are shared, the next step is to identify common goals and create a plan to achieve them. This could involve short-term objectives like planning a vacation, or long-term goals like buying a home or preparing for retirement. The key is to ensure these goals are realistic, mutually agreed upon, and have clear steps towards achievement.

Regular check-ins on these goals are essential. These check-ins provide an opportunity to assess progress, make adjustments if necessary, and celebrate achievements along the way. They also serve as a reminder of the shared path the couple is on, reinforcing their connection and commitment.

Flexibility in goal planning is crucial. Life can be unpredictable, and goals may need to be adjusted or reevaluated in response to changing circ*mstances. Being open to modification shows a willingness to work together and support each other through life's ups and downs.

Ultimately, planning for the future together fosters a sense of teamwork and partnership. It transforms individual dreams into shared ambitions, creating a stronger, more connected relationship.

Dealing with External Influences on Your Relationship

External influences, such as family, friends, work, and societal pressures, can significantly impact a relationship. The key to dealing with these influences is to establish clear boundaries. This means deciding together what outside opinions and pressures are allowed to penetrate the relationship and which are to be kept at bay.

Handling family dynamics can be particularly challenging. It's important to present a united front when dealing with family issues, ensuring that both partners feel supported and respected. Open communication about family expectations and conflicts can help navigate these often complex situations.

Work-life balance is another critical aspect. Striving for a balance where both partners feel fulfilled in their careers while maintaining a healthy relationship requires ongoing communication and compromise. Setting aside quality time together, regardless of busy schedules, is essential.

Social circles and friendships also play a role. Maintaining individual friendships while nurturing the relationship can be a delicate balance. It's important to support each other's social lives while ensuring that the relationship remains a priority.

Societal expectations and pressures, such as those related to marriage, children, or lifestyle, can also be influential. Couples need to discuss and agree on their own values and choices, rather than succumbing to external expectations.

Lastly, seeking support when needed, whether from friends, family, or professionals, can provide valuable perspectives and guidance. However, the final decisions should always remain with the couple, based on what's best for their relationship.

When to Seek Professional Help: Guidance for Couples

Deciding to seek professional help is a significant step for couples facing 'The 7 Year Itch'. One clear indicator that it's time to seek help is when communication breakdowns become frequent and seemingly unresolvable. If discussions often lead to arguments or are avoided altogether, a therapist can offer guidance in rebuilding effective communication channels.

Another sign is when past issues continually resurface. If the same problems keep arising without resolution, it may indicate underlying issues that need professional attention. A therapist can help identify these patterns and offer strategies to break them.

If there's a noticeable decline in intimacy and connection, seeking help can be beneficial. A therapist can assist in identifying the root causes of these issues and offer practical steps to rekindle intimacy and strengthen the relationship.

Lastly, when one or both partners feel indifferent or emotionally disconnected, it's a sign that the relationship may be in trouble. Apathy can be more damaging than conflict, as it often signifies a deeper disengagement from the relationship. Professional counseling can provide a space to explore these feelings and work towards re-engagement.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for the wellbeing of both individuals and the relationship. The first step is to recognize the importance of balance and commit to achieving it. This involves setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, ensuring that work responsibilities do not consistently encroach on family time or personal well-being.

Effective time management is key. This means prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and being disciplined about work hours. Allocating specific times for work and personal activities can help in maintaining this balance.

Open communication about work pressures and support needs is essential. Partners should feel comfortable discussing work-related stress and seeking support from each other. This mutual understanding can prevent work stress from negatively impacting the relationship.

Planning and engaging in shared activities is also important. Regularly scheduling date nights, family outings, or even short breaks together can reinforce the relationship and provide a necessary respite from work demands.

Individual self-care is equally important. Engaging in personal hobbies, exercise, or relaxation techniques can improve overall well-being and, by extension, the health of the relationship.

Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, can also aid in achieving a better work-life balance. If possible, exploring these options with employers can provide more time for personal life and relationships.

Lastly, reassessing and adjusting the balance regularly is important. As life circ*mstances change, so too will the needs and demands of work and personal life. Continuously evaluating and adjusting this balance ensures that both aspects of life are being appropriately prioritized.

Celebrating Milestones and Creating New Traditions

Celebrating milestones and creating new traditions can play a significant role in overcoming 'The 7 Year Itch'. Acknowledging and celebrating anniversaries, achievements, and other significant moments reinforces the value and strength of the relationship. These celebrations can range from small, intimate moments to grand gestures, depending on what resonates most with the couple.

Creating new traditions is also a wonderful way to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. These traditions can be as simple as a weekly date night, an annual vacation, or a special ritual on birthdays. The key is to establish activities that both partners look forward to and that hold special meaning for the relationship.

Including family and friends in some of these celebrations can enhance the sense of community and support around the relationship. Hosting gatherings or participating in group activities can strengthen social bonds and offer new dimensions to the couple's interaction.

Reflecting on past milestones and the journey together can also be a powerful tool. Taking time to reminisce about the challenges overcome and the happy moments shared can renew appreciation for the relationship and each other.

Documenting these milestones and traditions can create a rich tapestry of memories. Whether through photos, videos, or a shared journal, keeping a record of these moments can serve as a reminder of the relationship's growth and resilience.

Lastly, being flexible and open to changing or adapting traditions is important. As the relationship evolves, so too might the ways in which the couple chooses to celebrate and create new memories. Embracing this evolution is part of maintaining a dynamic and thriving relationship.

FAQs: Expert Answers to Your '7 Year Itch' Queries

In this section, we address some of the most common questions about 'The 7 Year Itch'. A recurring query is whether 'The 7 Year Itch' is inevitable in every relationship. The answer is that while many couples experience challenges around this time, it's not a predetermined fate. With conscious effort and mutual commitment, couples can navigate this phase successfully.

Another frequent question is about the best ways to rekindle romance. Experts suggest prioritizing quality time together, exploring new activities, and maintaining open communication about desires and needs. Small gestures of love and appreciation also go a long way in reigniting the spark.

People also ask about the role of counseling in dealing with 'The 7 Year Itch'. Professional counseling can be highly beneficial, especially when communication breaks down or when issues become recurrent and unresolved. A therapist can offer neutral guidance and strategies to strengthen the relationship.

Lastly, a common concern is how to maintain individual identity while being part of a couple. The key is to balance personal growth and relationship goals, ensuring that each partner supports the other's aspirations while nurturing the relationship. Regular communication and respecting each other's need for personal space and independence are crucial in achieving this balance.

Final Thoughts: Embracing a Future Together Beyond 'The 7 Year Itch'

As we reach the conclusion of our exploration of 'The 7 Year Itch', it's important to recognize that this phase, while challenging, can also be a period of significant growth for a relationship. Overcoming it requires effort, understanding, and commitment, but the rewards are a stronger, more resilient partnership.

One of the key takeaways is the importance of continuous communication. Keeping the lines of dialogue open, being honest about feelings and needs, and actively listening to your partner are fundamental in navigating any rough patches in the relationship.

Another vital aspect is the willingness to adapt and grow, both as individuals and as a couple. Embracing change, supporting each other's personal growth, and finding ways to grow together can transform challenges into opportunities for strengthening the bond.

Rekindling romance is not just about grand gestures; it's also about the small, everyday actions that show love and appreciation. Whether it's a thoughtful note, a surprise date, or simply taking the time to connect each day, these actions keep the romance alive and flourishing.

Balancing individuality with togetherness is also crucial. Respecting each other's independence while nurturing the relationship ensures that both partners feel fulfilled and valued. This balance is key to a healthy, long-lasting partnership.

For couples facing 'The 7 Year Itch', it's important to remember that seeking help, whether from friends, family, or professionals, is a sign of strength, not weakness. Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide the guidance needed to navigate through this phase.

In conclusion, 'The 7 Year Itch' is not an end but a phase in the journey of a relationship. With the right approach and mindset, couples can emerge from this period stronger and more connected, ready to embrace a future together filled with love, understanding, and shared growth.

Recommended Resources

  • Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel, Harper, 2006
  • Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up by Harriet Lerner, Gotham Books, 2012
  • The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman, Harmony, 2001
  • Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix, Henry Holt and Co., 1988
  • The Science of Trust: Emotional Attunement for Couples by John M. Gottman, W.W. Norton & Company, 2011
7 Key Steps to Conquer The 7 Year Itch (2024)


How to get through the 7 year itch? ›

As we happily celebrated being married for seven years this past weekend, we found 7 ways to beat The Seven Year Itch:
  1. Stay at a Romantic Guesthouse. ...
  2. Get a Massage. ...
  3. Get Dressed Up. ...
  4. Take a Bath. ...
  5. Make Love. ...
  6. Renew Your Vows. ...
  7. Make a Wish for the Upcoming Year.
Sep 21, 2023

What is the 7th year itch theory? ›

Couples experiencing the seven year itch disagree with each other more, become less affectionate, share fewer activities, and express overall dissatisfaction with their marriages, says Kurdek, whose study was published in the September 1999 issue of the journal Developmental Psychology.

How to stop 7 year itch in relationship? ›

How can you prevent the seven-year itch?
  1. Work on your communication skills. You can't fix something that you can't talk about. ...
  2. Reignite the spark. “Physical intimacy is an important part of most romantic relationships,” Dr. ...
  3. Show your appreciation.
Mar 16, 2023

What is the 7 year itch? ›

Meaning of seven-year itch in English

A married person who has the seven-year itch is feeling unhappy with their marriage after seven years, and is considering having a sexual relationship with another person.

Why is the 7th year of marriage the hardest? ›

The seven-year itch doesn't necessarily refer to a desire to divorce—it can refer to major relationship issues such as conflict, cheating, or irreparable differences. Issues like these may become illuminated during the seven-year itch.

What is the hardest year in a relationship? ›

For some couples, it's year 5 or 6, and for others it's 8. But around this time, couples, even those in obviously healthy relationships, often experience a kind of personal crisis where they start to question much of what they'd come to expect from their relationship.

What causes 7 year itch? ›

Although not exclusive to marriage, the 7-year itch is most often discussed with respect to married couples. Largely a product of growing apart, couples stop putting effort into their relationship as they prioritize kids, work, or hobbies over each other.

What is the psychology behind the seven year itch? ›

The seven-year itch is a popular belief, sometimes quoted as having psychological backing, that happiness in a marriage or long-term romantic relationship declines after around seven years.

What is the 7 year itch virus? ›

A scabies infestation causes intense itching (pruritus) which leads to scratching and damage of the skin (excoriation). If left untreated, the infestation may last for years, and has been called the seven year itch. This is a photomicrograph of a skin scraping that contains a scabies mite, eggs, and feces.

How long does the 7 year itch last? ›

The seven-year itch is said to be the amount of time, on average, that relationships or marriages last but in actual fact, science suggests it may be more like 12 years. It's easy for relationships to become a little stagnant if we don't put the work in and make an effort to keep them fresh over the longer term.

Can 7 years relationship break up? ›

The "seven-year itch" is a popular concept that suggests that couples may experience a decline in satisfaction or an increase in relationship dissatisfaction around the seventh year of marriage, leading to an increased likelihood of infidelity or divorce.

How do you recover from a 7 year relationship? ›

7 Tips for Coping When a Relationship Ends
  1. Keep Taking Care of Yourself. ...
  2. Write a Letter to Your Ex. ...
  3. Surround Yourself With People You Love. ...
  4. Expect Healing to Take Time. ...
  5. Feel the Feelings. ...
  6. Do Something Kind for Someone Else. ...
  7. Seek Professional Help.

How do you cure the 7 year itch? ›

Consider the little ways that you can scratch the multi-year itch by reinvesting in your marriage:
  1. Be loud and proud about your commitment. Regularly express your love and commitment to your partner. ...
  2. Let your actions speak in addition to your words. ...
  3. Check in with your partner.
Jun 10, 2024

Why do people get the seven-year itch? ›

The first real “danger” time to a marriage is between 5 and 7 years as the conflicts start to get to you and “kissing and making up” no longer works. Some marriages end during this time .. usually if one/both thought the marriage would fix their discontent, or there is too much fighting.

What year do most divorces happen? ›

While there are countless divorce studies with conflicting statistics, the data points to two periods during a marriage when divorce rates are the highest: years 1 – 2 and years 5 – 8. Of those two high-risk periods, there are two years in particular that stand out as the most common years for divorce — years 7 and 8.

How long does the 7-year itch last? ›

In 1990, the median duration was 7.2 years. While these can fluctuate from year to year, the averages stay relatively close to the seven year mark. Research from 2012 found that American divorce rates peaked after about ten to 12 years.

Why is my 7-year old so itchy all over? ›

Itching in childhood is mainly associated with skin diseases. Systemic disease and drug reactions are rare compared to adults. Itchy skin conditions in children include eczema (particularly atopic dermatitis), rashes, infections/infestations, urticaria/mastcytosis, autoimmune disorders, and hereditary dermatoses [4].

What causes 7-year itch? ›

Although not exclusive to marriage, the 7-year itch is most often discussed with respect to married couples. Largely a product of growing apart, couples stop putting effort into their relationship as they prioritize kids, work, or hobbies over each other.

What happens after the 7-year itch? ›

The seven-year itch is the idea that after seven years in a relationship, whether that's as a married couple or cohabitees, we start to become restless. Bored perhaps. Everything begins to feel a little bit mundane or routine. Anecdotally, it's said we're more likely to go our separate ways around this time.


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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.